Feminine Technology


I have been feeling a lot lately into the nature of technology. ~And as a sister recently said, ‘ How beautiful would it be if the word technology was mentioned and women’s wombs would vibrate’.~

Mine is beginning to.

If we look at the world we live in we are SO plugged into a tech system. From our currency that is held in a digital banks to our online life with so much of our information held in clouds. Our communications happen frequently over the techno-sphere and we cannot avoid being plugged in.
And honestly, why should we avoid it?

There is so much organic intelligence in this sphere that I feel strongly can support humanities evolution. It is just a matter of where is it directed and what impact does it have on the field around us. Not all technology is harmful.

I am beginning to feel my life force energy as electricity and magnetism and I feel the learning and mastering of this current and deep listening of inner intelligence, is directly plugged into how we choose to manifest our living realities.

Returning back to the land and growing our own food, regaining holistic health and wellness through integration of the elements and remembering who we are as communal beings.
And being plugged into a healthy system of enlightened technology that cares about our human right to be sovereign and unifies us as a humanity.

This is the next wave I feel that is coming from Egypt to the world.

New holistic technologies returning back to the world with no harmful effects.

I am rapidly shifting my judgement of this world and seeing that I am even required to vibrate my womb with this field in order to birth with many other wombs the next civilisation that will marry organic nature of the earth with the cosmic intelligence of the stars.


Free Bleeding and Re-Births


Blue Lotus, a poem