My first song on Spotify produced and written with the incredible Marc JB from London. aka: Crystal Harmonics

A song called: Journey my love written under an apple tree as I thought of my grandmother with an open heart and to all those on this great journey called life through the days and nights and onwards one day to other realms.

Click on image to be directed to Spotify x

Winged Ones

Winged Ones speaks to the heart and being a human on the planet right now. The power of 'feeling' and of breaking through to the other side to true love. This is the medicine of Auset/ Isis, the tears that liberate the soul.

This song and lyrics poured through and is not pre-written. The music is created by the gifted Alon Landa.



KukuWanna came as a bird with a song, a message to uplift the heart of humanity and remind them to connect to Spirit and get strong.

A beautiful colourful bird sent with the love of the Great Grandmothers.

The Garden Of Your Soul 💖

This song was downloaded in one go as my heart and voice suddenly opened in great inspiration. It was song to my own heart and the heart of humanity to remember it is worthy of love.