
It’s here and it’s only coming in more.

As we awaken from our limited reality seeing only what is around us to the dark truth that prevails this planet hidden behind neatly packaged meat cartons and seductive marketing for the consumer greed that believes in an insatiable need.

The soul is landing and it isn’t just love and light worthy of those who have denied their dark. It is the great veil that parts from the eyes of us all as there is no ‘us’ and them. 

It is us, all of us, one planetary soul that is awakening.

The comfort of a secured life tied down by the logic and reasoning of ‘the right way’ is burning and the illusion of our safety created behind larger walls around our homes and inner worlds that deny the heart to express its truth - is falling.

2020 brings in a huge planetary shift and awakening that begins with the truth that has been hidden - to be spoken. And this voice speaks for everyone including the animals, planets and earth, as well as our own hidden dark that is so unintegrated in a world that strives for the light and heaven after we die.

Moving from a solar culture basing on all its religions and spirituality on the light of the sun, to a cosmic culture that circles around the galactic centre, for the light that emanates here is so pure and fierce in its innocence that it is the dark light.

To begin to deeply own and feel our dark, confess our shame and vulnerabilities, our needs and longings - humbles us.

To vibrate our grief and despair often locked in, our rage that is too scary, our fear that is too shameful to expose.

This vibration is exactly what we need to do in order to pass through to the Ecstatic current of the universe and nature itself to unite as a planetary soul, ready to make the changes required for this world to regulate itself back to the natural cycles of nature.

To live in integrity and simplicity.

To be raw, wild and unapologetic for our most basic human selves.

And stand and rise with our spines erect, hand in hand in all our differences.

To see the other as yourself and dissolve the judgement and doubt that we can- and will be - the change we need to be.

This is wild love- and it’s coming.

